On Faith

There may come a time when,

Broken by false promises,

Worn thin by stoked passions,

You step through the threshold

and feel yourself larger than what those walls can hold

Leaving behind the raucous voices,

the brazen amens and fervent hallelujahs.

Perhaps in the darkened corners,

Someone you respected shattered your innocence.

The hands held in prayer were the hands that profaned

Your body’s sacred temple.

Falling and bleeding, your anguish spins apace,

And the universe would never be same again.

Far behind you, the shouting and the fray.

You walk into the silence of twilight.

There may be cold nights of great loneliness

Hold fast, for they give way to the warmth of solitude.Let all gods be laid to rest,

Settling like dust in beams of light.Let brittle beliefs crumble,

Let old certainties subside.

But remain open to Faith,

And all that now speak to you

Through the majesty of the stars.